понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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"This mushroom is very big."
"Yes, can you see it has a very big cap?"
"So shall I eat it now?"
"If you want. That one looks like itapos;s about to burst out of the sac."

.. Conversation I overheard between my mother and little sister. Gotta love mushroom innuendoes. ;D

Anyway, Iapos;ve FINISHED MY LAB REPORT =DDD I slept at almost 4am doing it, and I woke before 8 to continue working on it (though I was distracted by my email and LJ), but I love it =D It busted the 10-page-max. Rule by five, but SJ said he saw a 19-page one with an A, so I donapos;t think it matters that much. =P Hopefully I wonapos;t get a B for this one, I enjoyed doing it =D

*is tired*

And now Iapos;ll go get ready for school. @_@ Another two EG tutorials due tomorrow.

... I think Sarah Palin is pretty. =D

.. But thatapos;s all sheapos;s good for, in my opinion.

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Whew That being the 4th furfright I have been to, it has been the best so far.

Thanks go to really everyone who just went to it for a great time.

But Thanks to the fine stage director, Kody, who whipped us stage ninjaapos;s into shape. I was the one in the green happi coat FYI. If it was not for him we would not have been able to assist as well as we did this year. Kody, if you will be stage director again next year, by all means you can call upon me again, I enjoyed being a stage ninja.

also thanks to Bellic for hosting This fanfurtastic convention They seem to only get better and better each time. All it needs now is a delicious chocolate fondue fountain >:3

I can only hope next furfright will include me in full fursuit

See you at FF09

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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I went to an awesome Halloween party last night.

My costume - June Cleaver (from Leave it to Beaver) - wearing a strap-on under her skirt.

There were many pictures taken. (to be seen as soon as I get some from those that took them)

At one point, I replaced the dildo in my strap-on with a (plastic) 9mm replica. (Donapos;t worry, it was actually a gun of mine Iapos;d loaned a friend for his costume - he was Destro from GI Joe)

After that, the dildo went MIA, and is still MIA.

How many parties have you been to where you can claim "my cock was stolen?"
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aragorn eowyn

Good morning dear
I hope I didnapos;t wake you too soon
Because my mind is growing tired
Too much thinking what I should do
I picture you out there
It must be beautiful this time of year
All those east coast leaves
Floating apos;round like embers from burning trees
Well the weather out here is just the same
But the garden that you planted remains.

Now itapos;s only work
Each day bleeding into the next
Barely scraping by I tire myself out just so I can rest
But rest it rightly comes
And when it does I come out and go home
Because itapos;s much too quiet
Seems that Iapos;m not suited to being in love
And everyone around meapos;s changed
But the garden that you planted remains.

I think about you
Maybe more than I should
But the smog is getting old
The drugs Iapos;m taking arenapos;t so good
So will you talk to me?
Even though youve had a late night?
Because I need a little help
Baby, tell me Iapos;ll be alright
Cause everything around meapos;s changed
But the garden that you planted remains.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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itchy arms.

voice changers sent from my mom have three settings: robot, alien and spaceman.

My question: whatapos;s the difference between an alien and a spaceman?

I also got a Lisa Frank DreamWriters Back To School Super Set It comes with a cooool zip-up binder, real lip gloss and body glitter lotion

My grandmother probably bought this when I was, like, 8. But, then again, she could just have forgotten how old I am.

Iapos;m gonna use it either way.

I cleaned my room. For real. I donapos;t have enough space for all of my things, though. Too many books, movies and random things Iapos;ve collected over the years. Stuff is just stacked on top of other stuff on my shelves now.

I really need to throw stuff away...but itapos;s really hard.

Fair tonight, perhaps.

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Welp, here I am. My strange and not-too-well-thought-out plan finds me at an internet cafe on Jasper Avenue in Edmonton.

I have to somehow kill the next five hours (at least) until the next shuttle comes around to drag my unslept ass back to the airport. On the upside, this is the first 24-hour establishment Iapos;ve found in an afternoon/evening of wandering. Iapos;ve already forgotten the name, but itapos;s an old brick deal with lots of original local art, a bearded metal dude behind the bar and a laid-back vibe. Perfect.

I was glad to find the refuge. The bar stars are building to a slow-motion crescendo that I donapos;t really want to witness first-hand. To quote Amanda, it smells of shame and date rape.

I feel like such an asshole. I wrote that last blog literally minutes before I got a call from my boss torpedoing the plan straight to hell. He didnapos;t realize I wouldnapos;t be able to continue my web work from a boat in the Pacific. Madness (In his defence, he was on a web-capable ice breaker last year, but I think that was a satellite rig the CBC types brought with them). We havenapos;t come to a consensus on whatapos;s going to happen, but prospects look grim.

To be perfectly honest: Iapos;m relieved. My life (and by extension, Amandaapos;s) has been in a semi-constant state of flux for the better part of a year. Freelancing all over, travelling, moving, the panicked/failed Vancouver job search, Quesnel, Yellowknife. The thought of bouncing right off to face four weeks of interviews and sea-sickness with no guarantee of a paycheque at the end... I think Iapos;m getting indigestion just thinking about it.

It would be nice to just... Chill for a while. Hell, I might even spend the money I earmarked for my Amtrak/Greyhound journey home on an Xbox or something. Wouldnapos;t that be neat? I could, you know, sit my house and like... Play video games or something. Maybe Iapos;ll rent movies Rad

Of course, now that I say this Iapos;ve all but guaranteed Iapos;m going to sea. Ha-ha-ha--sigh.
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Woke up at 07:30 today, a Saturday
Have since been eating, on and off. Itapos;s now 12:30 and I have eaten: raw sliced swiss mushrooms tossed with EVOO, pepper salt and lots of parseley, some korean deepfried seasoned kelp, a Macau-style almond cookie, green tea, turkish bread with bean salad (5 bean mix, tomatoes, chopped fresh mint, lime leaves, pepper salt EVOO, wrinkley lime juice, red onion and garlic powder) spooned on top, and 1/3 block of Hersheyapos;s cookies and creme chocolate.

My mouth is still "itchy" and Iapos;m starting to get real sleepy. Reading Corduroy Mansions which I am seriously enjoying. Sadly there are only 25 chapters online at the moment.

Those crappy romance novels are calling out to me...
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I have to add memory to my lap top so all my internet usage is delegated to the desktop which I�hate cause I�canapos;t listen to my music, or write or anything. It sucks so much ass you guys. On the plus side, Leila *finally chose a spelling*�now has a crib.� I picked one out with my mom, of all people. And sheapos;s spending the weekend on Long Island with my aunt. �Yayness, cause that means I donapos;t have to spend the weekend with her, not that I�donapos;t enjoy all the food, but I mostly sleep and piss off my step father when Iapos;m home.

On other news.. Philly didnapos;t happen, he caught on.�Heapos;s way too savy for me sometimes. I donapos;t even get it.��� ���

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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I donapos;t think itapos;s fate for me to go home today. O.o

After my Spanish class, I waited out there for a good fifteen minutes with two others. When it didnapos;t show up at 11:05, we all walked away and whatever. I met up with Lila, got my wallet back, and bought some pizza with hot chocolate because itapos;s fuckinapos; freezing. D< Then I went back to the pickup/dropoff area and ate, drank, whatever, and waited again because I was thinking "Okay, the next bus will be here in a half-hour."

And I really hate buses. We have two B23 buses, which is really inconvenient
(sp?) because one goes to Holyoke ("Jarvis Ave/HCC/Soldier Home" is what it says on the light things) and the other goes to Westfield (. . . "Westfield"), and if you get them mixed up then, well, you get shot. Just kidding. Kinda. *shrug* Eh, you might. But anyway~ Iapos;m waiting and the B23 bus thatapos;s labeled for Holyoke pulls up, and three of my bus mates go walking toward it and Iapos;m thinking, "Guuuys, thatapos;s not our bus" but Iapos;m not friends with them, yapos;know, so I canapos;t try to help them or thatapos;d be weird. God, weapos;re in America here.

They got on anyway,�and Iapos;m about to approach the bus to ask the driver if the bus does in fact go to Westfield but he closes the door and drives away before I reach it. D;

Iapos;m abandoned. And there are no hot guys around. DX

Iapos;m like, "Okay, fine. Theyapos;ll go to Holyoke and Iapos;ll be smart and get on the right bus Yei~"� because I wasnapos;t wrong, I know that. Iapos;ve gotten on that bus before and it took me all around Holyoke and it wasnapos;t that fun.�That was the day I learned there were two B23 buses and that life isnapos;t fair. Iapos;ve learned to wait an extra few minutes for the Westfield bus.

But today�the bus never came. Twice. So here I am complaining about it: WHY ARE THERE TWO B23 BUSES TO TWO TOTALLY DIFFERENT TOWNS? I HATE IT Name one . . . Y78 or something. D< . . . Because the letters on the buses stand for colors. And blue is a color. So is yellow. Thereapos;s already a purple and red so I knew I couldnapos;t use those. . . Mhm. .__.;;

If this Casey Canapos;t�Get On Her Bus thing happens again it could turn into a totally bad joke. Yapos;know, the rule of three? Hahaha~ *knee slapper* Not really but let me entertain myself.�I need to get home and get ready for work. ;o;

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